”The quieter you become the more you can hear.”

Wherever you are, most welcome to join live group meditation online. No previous experience needed. Everyone is welcome!

To meditate in an online group setting will help to develop and stick to a positive habit and also increase level of concentration and high frequency vibrations both individually and collectively through synergy of the group. The effect of meditation will come with continuous consistency in the practice and is more favourable when practiced more meditators at the same time, even though we are in different physical places, we are all connected.

How to register to live group meditations

Choose which live group meditation/s you want to join and click on register, continue to checkout and you’ll receive a confirmation emailwith your unique link to the live group mediation. If you wish to participate in several live group meditations you need to buy each one separately. The live room opens 10 minutes before the scheduled live stream.

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Carrying through live group Meditation
Make sure to put away and turn off anything that may disturb you before connecting and take a comfortable position of your choice, preferably sitting upright with a straight back. Starting together with easy calming breath control, Prāṇāyāma under guidance and count. (The kind of Prāṇāyāma may vary from occasion to occasion.) The meditation begins with collective Mettā – loving kindness, followed by guidance in to mindfulness with breathing, Ānāpānasati
where we sit in silent meditaion for about 30 minutes. Few minutes for Q&A via the chat. Finishing together with chanting OM SHANTI OM.

Benefits of Meditation
Practicing meditation is based on trust that the truth is in each of us. The truth about right and wrong, the truth about good and bad, the truth about hatred and love, the truth about cold and heat, sound, silence, light and darkness, movement, stillness, life and death, everything in between – the truth about existence. By meditating, we can calm ourselves in the restless mind and give ourselves the opportunity to listen. Listen inwardly to the inner wisdom. No one needs 
to tell us how things are, or how we should relate or act, for within ourselves; we already know. The truth is there if we only listen.

Meditation is a natural method, side effects free, both a skill, and a practice, and a deep relaxation. A practice in mindfulness in the present moment that has a stress reducing effect and can prevent and cure many common problems and ailments. Meditation calms and cleanses the mind from disturbing emotional memories, provides peace and contributes to mental health, sharpens memory, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure by making the body less responsive to stress hormones, which contributes to inflammation inhibition. Meditation strengthens concentration and focus. Awareness is sharpened and increased. Meditation leads to clarity. More and more people are seeking peace of mind through meditation. Because the more you can stay in the present instead of being weighed down by habitual thoughts and reflexive reactions, the easier it is to deal with life’s challenges. Increased awareness and care leads to healthier relationships with family members, relatives, friends and partners. A healthier life. Meditation is not tied to any religion or philosophy of life. Everyone, regardless of nationality, age, gender, background, descent or affiliation, can benefit from meditation.

Moon Meditation

As the moon is connected to spiritual practices, it is extra beneficial to meditate on moon days. 

🌑 The new moon is the birth cycle for the different phases of the moon. An optimal time for spiritual cultivation, to set intentions and bring new into life, facing truth and moving forward in a favourable light.

🌕 The full moon has a profound effect on the energy of our existence, which can awaken spirituality, increase the activity of the mind, reinforce conscious thoughts and bring the subconscious to the surface.

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”


Yoga & Meditation instructor active in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Alexandra’s meditation practice derives from the Theravāda Buddhist teachings, Dharma. Which she has studied and practiced since year 2000, according to its tradition, Ānāpānasati mindfulness with breathing and Vipassanā insight meditation according to the teachings of Mahāsī Sayādaw. During pilgrimages, she underwent two ”10-day silent Meditation retreats” in 2001 & 2003 at the International Dharma Hermitage of forest monastery Wat Suan Mokkh in Thailand, where she also taught Hatha Yoga. Further 2021 completed the course ”Buddhism and Modern Psychology” by Robert Wright, Princeton University. Alexandra’s primary meditation teacher is Casimir Amon, Monk of Kanduboda Siyane International Insight Meditation Center, Sri Lanka.

Alexandra has been studying and practicing Hatha Yoga and traditional Ashtanga Yoga for Yoga Teacher Josef Abadi, student of Yogacharaya Shri K.Pattabhi Jois (Guruji), since 2000. Later during pilgrimage, traditional Ashtanga Yoga ”Mysore Style” for Guru R.Saraswathi Jois and ParamaGuru R.Sharath Jois at Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute in Mysore, India. And for ParamaGuru R.Sharath Jois at two led 6-day workshops 2015 & 2017 in Stockholm, Sweden. Further more for Authorized Level 1 teacher Szalai István (Budapest), Authorized Level 2 teacher Vairagya Ranko (Belgrade), Authorized teacher Tim Feldmann and Authorized teacher and internationally acclaimed author Petri Räisänen ”Self Healing through Yoga, Manas and Prana” 2017 & ”Energy Healing workshop, opening the senses towards the prana and hidden states of mind” 2021. Also for Kino MacGregor/Omstars ”2-Day Ashtanga Yoga Second Series Immersion – practice, technique & philosophy” 2020, workshop ”The Role Of Hands-On Assists” for David and Jelena Yoga 2021 and ”Breathwork Masterclass” for Harmony Slater 2021. Alexandra has also since 2000, parallelly studied and practiced Vinyasa Flow, Bikram Yoga, Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga. 

In addition to Yoga & Meditation, Alexandra has in her youth practiced Karate for ten years (blue belt) and devoted several years of dance training.

Alexandra is also holding a diploma as a ”Nutritional Therapist with cognitive orientation” /Sverigehälsan.

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